After defeating the Yami Emperor, the 2nd Gundam General became 5 Crystals. The 5 Crystals went in directions and transformed into 5 babies. One baby was found by Noomaru. The Yami Emperor also turned into 5 Dark Parts that went off in different different directions.......

15 years past, the baby has grown up and he sets off to find the other 4 holders of the Crystals. Meanwhile the Yami Army, now led by the son of Zakuto, plans to start another attack on the Gundam Army.

Gundam Army
# Musha Alex
# Musha Plus
# Musha Aesu
# Musha Hyakusiki Kai
# Musha Saiko Mark Two
# Hyate no Nyu
# Mirin no Mark Two
# Kaen no Double Zeta
Kyozan no Saiko
Gundam Vice General
2nd Shou General
3rd Gundam General

Yami Army
# Waka Zakuto
# Musha Sazabi
# Musha The O
# Musha Nin Kaempfer
Musha Saiko Mark Two
# Revived Yami General




The Wind, Woods, Fire and Mountain

